Sunday 8 November 2009



  1. oh my god these look amazing! I wasn't very well on the day so in the end I stood in the street in my PJs and coat, and even though I live the river side of Trafalgar road near the power station it looked good. But nothing like that!!! I clearly missed a lot. There are somehow like incredible paintings captured just before the paint hits the canvas. Are they digitally reworked at all I wonder, if that is the phrase, I am a photography ignoramus but wannabe! Fab shots anyway.

  2. Hi Lucy,

    Sorry I don't have a way to contact but just to say thank you for your remarks.

    Yes, these shots have been reworked in as far as I've gone for tight crops to create a better sense of impact. I have made further adjustments with the colour channels, levels and especially the white balance.

    Blackheath has a big light pollution problem. Even more so now that the 'elf n saferty' brigade have imposed spoiler floodlighting for the event.

    This means that the sky/clouds are cast is a muddy, brown hue. As I say, this can be neutralised in thw white balance and by increasing the blacks in the shots the colours and lines really start to come through.

    Stevie P!
